Miss. Trudy
From trips to the United States to interview successful businessmen to global and regional travels and buying a 6million apartment in leafy kilimani, Nairobi, her curve has been linear.
I once wrote a piece about Miss. Trudy and I never got to publish it in this newsletter. It is on another newsletter that I have never taken public. The reason why I never posted? it is one of my first posts and I was rough at the edges-which I still am, only that I decided not to seek perfection- and I felt it needed more working on before posting.
I wrote it last year or beginning of this year and have edited it close to ten times. Another reason is that when I write something I avoid posting it on the same day. For the obvious reason of trying to get a new perspective on my choice of words and ideas the following day. However, during my early days of writing for a newsletter I would end up prolonging the editing period and an article would take weeks or months before I felt it was ready for public consumption.
Pardon me, I digress. This is what I intended to write.
Miss. Trudy has done well for herself from the first time I bumped into her channel-sometimes in 2020, she had done an Airbnb vlog of the place she was staying at. This time-the reason that got me writing another post on her- she is doing a house tour of her new home with her husband, the Ghanaian Continent-Trotter, Wode Maya.
The contrast, from an Airbnb in Nakuru, Kenya, to a maisonnette in Accra Ghana all thanks to YouTube. Yes, this is our new world, with fizzled boundaries and exponential growth. It is less than four years since Trudy did that Nakuru video. Her growth has been evident to anyone who has been following her channel. From trips to the United States to interview successful businessmen, to global and regional travels and buying a 6 million apartment in leafy kilimani, Nairobi, her curve has been linear.
According to gb.youtubers.me Miss. Trudy made $2150 in September 2022 which is a 71% improvement from the month of August when she made $1260. In the last 7 days, the first week of October 2022, she is estimated to have made more than $700. statsmash.com puts her estimated net worth at $237000.
The advertising industry is why she gets to earn this amount or where YouTube gets the money to pay her. In 2020 according to codefuel.com, Youtube’s advertising revenue stood at $19billion. Companies and individuals want to advertise their products to customers and they always look for places where people are. That is why you find so many billboards on road intersections, roundabouts, or places where you are likely to find a large group of people. YouTube so happens to be one of those places on the internet where people congregate for longer periods of time.
There are more than 10 billion visits a month on YouTube. And for that reason, Toyota will pay to put an ad on YouTube. YouTube will look for the best videos that will match the target audience of Toyota and if Miss. Trudy is pulling in more people, and who happen to be the target customers of Toyota, YouTube won't hesitate to put that ad on her video and that becomes a paycheck for Miss. Trudy. She gets a fraction of what Toyota pays because she is not the only creator on YouTube and YouTube has to pay itself as well.
Miss. Trudy is making money, and so are other YouTube creators for producing content that will pull people daily to YouTube. Is there a possibility that YouTube may not be in a position to make people earn a living in the distant future? yes, no platform is safe and TikTok has just proved that.
Tik-Tok has hived off a significant chunk of the market from Facebook and now stands as the third most popular social media app and is closing in on METAs Facebook and Instagram. And as things go it might be coming for YouTube as the attention span of the human race becomes more minuscule. However, until then, people like Miss. Trudy will continue to make it big on YouTube and if possible set themselves up for early retirement.
Dennis Mutuku
I will leave you with what seems to be her first YouTube video.